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Two Girl Scout Silver Award Projects for Camp Peaceable Kingdom - a camp that envisions a world without isolation and stigma for children with special needs and their families. They are looking for camp staff for the summer right now! Camp Schedule is available for Summer 2020.

Silver Projects

Our projects benefited Variety Texas's Camp Peaceable Kingdom, The project started with a community collection of low carb snacks for the annual Children's Diabetes Camp - Camp Blue Bonnet (June 14-19, 2020). We were successful in collecting 1000 single servings of snacks with less than 15 grams of carbs.

#campbluebonnet, #t1dcommunity, #girlscouts, #peaceablekingdom, #diabetescamp

Next, we collected costumes for the Camp Peaceable Kingdom theater closet. Again the surrounding community was very generous in donating costumes of all kinds.

All donations were laundered, all necessary repairs were made and a detailed inventory list was made. We also made 100 hero masks for 100 Camp Heroes.

Home Depot generously donated large plastic totes for the delivery and storage of the costumes. Yay!


Totes were also needed for putting together Rainy Day Activity Kits. Yes, it does sometimes rain even at the best of camps, so we, again asked for donations of games and craft kits. All games/kits were checked for completeness and packed in totes with inventory lists.

Zoe was in charge of putting together the girls' Activity Kit and Rachel did the boys' one.




There's more!


Zoe built an indoor sensory table for the camp. Research on how to make it was interesting and eventually it turned out to be two light tables made using two kid tables from Ikea. The tables were 'hacked' to include lights and plexi glass top. The tables can be used with colorful transparent shapes and x-rays and other fun things.


Rachel built a sensory water table for outdoor use. The table has fun tubes for water and it can also be filled with sand. The table was completely designed and build using supplies from local home improvement store. The water table will be fun to use over Texas hot summer.


Big thank you for neighbors, friends, fellow girl scouts and Home Depot for helping these projects to come together. And thank you for our parents for their support!

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